Few Solid Things Every Woman Needs to Hear at Various Points in Her Life
In this article, we’ll know most 11 Things Every Woman Needs to Hear at Various Points in Her Life
” You are just a housewife? Why? ” Or ” You want to be single? Why? You are a woman and you should be married “. Every day women have to hear such awful things. “Behave yourself. Be gentle, women should be polite. Don’t argue. It’s not good for a woman to argue “. From childhood, a girl is taught that she should be calm, polite, and gentle to everyone no matter what the situation is.
A girl or a woman is not supposed to protest. Give me a break!! I think everyone should remember that every woman is amazing. They provide love and care to their loved ones unconditionally. They create new life by giving birth. They can guide you in the right way. They can do anything about their loved ones. But everyone is different in her own way. In her poem “Advice to Women”, Eunice de Souza shows concern about women and their lives.
Things Every Woman Needs to Hear at Various Points in Her Life
In some poems she gives advice to them also in some poems she criticizes them for following patriarchal taboos blindly. Inspire of being a victim of the biased society she has delineated her courageousness through her poems. And there are some things that every woman needs to hear at various points in her life.
1. You are beautiful
She needs to be told that she is beautiful. It makes her feel better. Even if she is in a bad mood this little sentence can cheer her up. And her beauty is not only related to her face or body but also to her soul and heart. If you are a woman then you should believe that you are beautiful no matter how other people judge you. And if you are a man then should tell this to the woman in your life to omit all the negative vibes. Keats has said, ” Beauty is truth, truth beauty. ” A true beautiful comment from a loved one can make anyone smile.
2. You can do anything
Well, we all know that, don’t we? A woman can do anything. She can be a mother, a pilot, or both at the same time. But whatever she wants to do, you have to support her decision. Do what you want to do. Don’t do what others want you to do. And this little sentence means a lot man! If a woman wants to be a mother and take care of her child at home then she should do that. If a woman wants to be a business tycoon then she should focus on it and ignore boring suggestions from others.
“Wow! You are so beautiful! Fair, long, nice face. You don’t have to earn a penny! You can get married easily” Or, “So what that you are a scientist? You are not beautiful at all. You are dark/fat/short. It must be tough for your father to find a husband for you. ” According to Jane Austen, society always thinks that a woman’s main qualification for marriage is her beauty and it’s relevant in present time too.
In “Pride and Prejudice”, Elizabeth is the protagonist and one of the most well-known female characters in English literature. She is a lovely, intelligent, and smart maiden. Her honesty, virtue, and wit enable her to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervade her class-bound and often spiteful society
3. I love you
First of all, love yourself. Embrace yourself. It’s important to love yourself first than to love others. Every morning, looking in your mirror, say I love you to yourself. It feels so good. How many times does someone tell their loved ones that they loved them? But it’s important to tell it and to be told. If you are with your loved one and he or she tells you how much loved you are you automatically feel the love. It feels special to know that you are loved. If there is only one person in your life who loves you truly then you don’t need anyone else.
4. Be Yourself
Everyone has different characteristics. But it’s really important to be what you truly are. It’s a common characteristic of a woman to change her for her near and dear one. But in this change, she completely gives up her own self. By saying this to a woman, you mean that she doesn’t need to change at all.
Everyone is imperfect. It’s okay to be yourself. If you tell the woman in your life to be herself it means you love and respect her the way she is. You should accept her for what she is.
For example, Kamala Das has been reputed as one of the original Indo-Anglian poets and she is widely regarded as a confessional poet. Like Sylvia Plath, Das introduces her personal and private life to her readers. Her poem “An Introduction” is based on the theme that is love or failure of love.
The poem depicts the author’s experiences of life and it voices pains and sufferings, insults and betrayals that she has received throughout her life and above all, her protest against the patriarchal society.
5. If you want to talk, I’m here
It happens often that a woman can’t find anyone to share her personal feelings with. If you can understand that she is trying to tell something, this line may help you. We all want someone in our life with whom we can share everything. Every intimate thing, every secret, every funny thing. You have to remind her that you are there for her.
This little mental support means a lot to a woman. Because she feels that there is someone who always supports her.
6. How are you?
How are you! Why is this so special to a woman? But the reality is, most women actually don’t have anyone in their life to ask this simple question. So this very regular and simple question means that you care for her. If she has a bad day, this thing may give her a little relief.
The poem “An Introduction” appeared in Kamala Das’s very first volume of poems which was entitled after ‘Summer in Calcutta’. She tells us about her preference for English as a language through she can express her joys, longings, hopes, and demands very honestly. Moreover, the poem shows Dad’s candor in dealing with the bodily growth and sexual cravings in her adolescence.
She goes on to tell her about her irresistible sexual desire. Because it’s normal for a woman also to speak about her desires.
7. I always support you
Support is one of those things which we all want. A woman looks for support for her loved one. And to support a woman means supporting her decision, her choice. Usually, we think support can only be financial. But that’s not true. By saying ‘ support ‘, here I mean mental support, emotional support. As women don’t get much support from society or sometimes even from their own families, this thing shows that you respect her.
8. Love your body
Every woman is different. And so are everybody. Our society always has a rigid thought about how a woman’s body should be. So a girl child should be taught from her childhood that there is no such thing as ‘ a perfect body ‘. Every woman’s body is different and every one is unique. As long as the woman is healthy she doesn’t need to think about her body. She should love her body. She needs to know how amazing and unique her body is.
Manik Bandyopadhyay writes in her short story “The Final Solution” that her protagonist Mallika breaks the stereotypical figuration of women and violets the structures of the female role, challenges male supremacy, fights for her sexual freedom, and emancipates herself from the shackles of body politics.
Most of the time, women during Partition try to non-conform to the paternal authority, however, the polymorphous presence of the gender construct disallows them to be vain women or unfortunate targets of men.
9. It’s okay
Yep, it’s okay. It can be anything. It can be getting a divorce, a job change, a breakup… anything. It’s relaxing for a woman to hear this. If she has a miscarriage or a bad experience or got cheated or a close one passing away or an end of a beautiful friendship. If you politely tell a woman that it’s okay, it helps her from getting over that bad situation and move forward to a brighter future.
10. You are powerful
Most probably we all know that. Yes, women are powerful. They are powerful because they have this inner power and strength. A woman is powerful all time and in all conditions. You are powerful no matter how handsome your salary is, or what your relationship status is.
It doesn’t matter whether you are employed or not, whether you do a business or not, single or married. You are powerful because you are alive and you have your own strength and energy.
“The Final Solution” revolves around a family that migrates to West Bengal after the partition of Bengal, turning them destitute, homeless, devoid of an identity, anonymous in the crowd. The story mainly focuses on the motherly affection that is enacted by Mallika, the protagonist – fighting to hold on her self-made hollow.
11. Take care of yourself
Women are caring, we all know and acknowledge that. But how many of them take care of themselves? A woman’s life passes by taking care of her family, her children or her workplace. But she should take care of herself too. Because if she can’t take care of herself how will she be able to take care of others?
Usually, taking care of a woman means proper rest which unfortunately she can’t get daily. But after an exhausting day at the office or home, you should take care of yourself. Only then you will be able to take care of the others.
Women can participate to root out forms of oppression against her create their own agency. The question of agency becomes important to shape their identity and is beneficial to their interests. “The Final Solution” finds Mallika wants to make her decision about her own body.
According to Simone de Beauvoir, the male humiliates himself by mauling the female existence. Men think that they are dominants so they dominate women to prove their supremacy. The man crowns himself to be the Self, the Subject whereas; the woman is loaded with all the nullification of life.
So you see, it’s not easy being a woman. But a woman’s life is always interesting and it can be beautiful too if there is anyone in her life who makes her feel special every day. A woman doesn’t need your money. She just needs your time, respect, and support. You can show her your respect by accepting her decisions, her choices, her ups, and downs. Because if a correct person is with a woman, she can conquer the whole world.
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