Health & Fitness
Top Reasons Why You Should Stop Watching Porn
In this article, we’ll know some top reasons why you should stop watching porn right now and also share some tips to stop watching porn.
In the last few years, people have continued to ask the same question: Is consuming porn good for us or bad for us? Is watching porn is morally good or bad?
The short answer is yes— it isn’t good for your mental and physical health. Some people can watch porn occasionally and not suffer significant side effects, while other people and most teens consume porn daily, and it can lead to unrealistic expectations.
The detailed study was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Watching too much porn and frequently masturbating can lead to sexual dysfunction and find a decrease in activity in many areas of the brain.
If taken into consideration, like any other addictions such as drugs, porn too fills the brain with chemicals, like dopamine. Over time, the brain gets overwhelmed by the constant chemicals and depends on pornography.
Reasons Why You Should Stop Watching Porn
From the recent observations of present generation people, It is not wrong to say that watching pornography or bad stuff on the internet, which is present in abundance on the internet, affects your thinking ability and the way of living.
If you are worried porn might ruin your mental and physical health. So in this article, you will get to know the top 11 reasons you should stop watching porn.
1. Watching porn is the new addiction
When you are addicted to something, it can ruin your life in many ways. Like drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes, porn is the new addiction. Watching porn releases large amounts of dopamine in our brains, reducing our thinking ability. Those who watch porn daily have intense urges for sex. you turn to porn when you are anxious.
You also tend to struggle at work and home. Once you are bored with the previous version of porn that you consumed, your appetite can escalate to more hardcore versions to achieve the same level of excitement you used to feel. And that urge is never sated, and when they keep on feeding it, they might eventually go down a self-destructive void that would ruin your life.
2. Watching porn causes depression and anxiety
People who watch porn in an addictive manner feel more lonely and depressed than those who don’t. In a survey, we found that people who view online pornography are unhappy and full of anxiety because of their guilt and negative thoughts. This result shows that watching porn can lead to a depressed life where you suffer alone.
If you constantly watch porn and masturbate to orgasm, the brain down-regulates dopamine receptors as a way to maintain homeostasis. And when it happens, you need to watch more to feel relaxed and active. And that’s you making your life shit and dependent on porn.
3. It destroys your willpower
When we engage in sexual or watch adult stuff on the internet, our body releases the chemical name dopamine, and if we do it on a daily routine, it can be harmful and destroy our willpower. As dopamine receptors decline in the brain, so do the number of neural cells in the prefrontal lobe that causes low confidence and weak strength of character.
With repeated exposure to porn, the portion of the brain responsible for decision-making and willpower begins to shrink. So this is one of the best reasons to quit it because it is the main reason for your low confidence. It reduces your thinking ability and restricts you from achieving your goals.
4. It Makes You Feel Shame and decrease your morals
It is not surprising you feel guilty and ashamed after masturbating or watching a lot of porn. Pornography destroyed humans’ morals. Research shows that shame can fuel problematic porn habits, leading to an unhealthy cycle of both porn and shame. After watching porn, people start to think and admire some bad ideas.
Nobody likes to admit watching porn when their friends are productive, social, and forming strong connections with their partners. Quitting porn improves your thoughts on society and surroundings and enhances your moral values.
5. Porn destroyed your productivity
After watching a lot of porn and masturbation, you feel less energized and less focused. Research done by experts has shown that more than 50 percent of youths worldwide are addicted to pornography, while 60 to 90 percent of adolescent boys and 40 percent of adolescent girls are addicted to masturbation.
These addictions are sins against nature; the brain’s right hemisphere facilitates creativity and inventions, and a portion of the brain called ‘cingulate codex, is responsible for moral and ethical decisions. So, when you watch porn in a large amount and masturbate frequently, it restricts your brain’s activity and productivity, which is designed to perform the task of creativity. And that’s how porn destroys your productivity.
6. You will start to hate your body and personality
In porn videos, we saw unrealistic things like curvy and beautiful bodies and big-sized men’s genitalia resulting from photoshop, cosmetic surgery, or makeup. Research suggests that consuming porn can not result in a poorer body image. In reality, things are different from porn girls are less pretty; compared to porn stars dicks are smaller, and sex does not come as naturally as it appears in porn. People are very average-looking.
When you watch porn, you start comparing yourself with porn actors/actresses, but you forget they are chosen for this, and the video you watch is photoshopped and edited. They go through many makeup surgeries and implements for a better look. You deserve to feel confident in your skin rather than comparing yourself to impossible standards because much of what you’re seeing isn’t natural.
7. It can Cause Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, And Delayed Ejaculation
The most crucial reason you stop watching porn is that it can lead you to Erectile dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, And Delayed Ejaculation. Excessive consumption of porn can lead to you a less satisfying sexual life. Pornography consumption is associated with sexual dysfunction for men and women, difficulties with arousal and sexual performance, and decreased sexual satisfaction.
Watching porn and masturbating often can be the reason for climaxing quickly. And you don’t want to get the habit of achieving a quick orgasm because it’s hard to break snd proceed to you some unsatisfying sexual life shortly.
8. It could lead to relationship problems and eventually: breakup
According to a study, the place of porn in a relationship is irrefutable. Watching porn or including porn in the relationship was the second strongest reason a relationship would suffer. Because the stuff that they’re doing in the porn doesn’t get done in your bedroom, and you start to get a little bit resentful because your partner is not so adventurous. So you become desensitized and just regular sex that you’ve been having because it doesn’t compare to the sex you’ve been watching on the internet.
Because porn is unrealistic and full of violence, you can’t include porn in your relationship, or you can not do stuff with your partner, as shown in porn videos. When you force this thing, it turns out to be violent and eventually leads to breakups.
9. It promotes sexual violence against
A study that analyzed 300+ scenes from best-selling pornography videos found that almost 90% of scenes contained physical aggression and verbal aggression, primarily in the form of name-calling. Other research also suggests that 1 out of 3 locations indicate violence. And the people who consume porn are more violent than others who don’t.
Studies say that porn consumers are more likely to sexually manifest and brutalize others, more likely to express an intent to harass sexually or rape. Pornography promotes violent behavior towards women, and saying no to porn helps build a safe world for everyone.
10. Stop supporting an abusive industry
If you dig inside the porn industry, you will know how ugly it is. Between 2017 and 2018, there was a hike of 35% in confirmed reports of child sexual abuse and image circulation. This industry exploits women and drags little children into the sea of horror. These individuals are traumatized, and this trauma leads to death as well.
This industry is not glamorous; people force women to do pornographic content, which is unethical and illegal. Your enjoyment is the cause of someone’s suffering. People are dying because of this industry. It would be best not to support this industry, not even for your pleasures.
11. Porn is linked to sex trafficking
What do you think from where most of the girls you see on pornographic content come? It is Sex Trafficking which is not only illegal but inhuman as well. Mainstream porn exists, yet sex trafficking happens, and women are forced to do pornographic content. Individuals who are victims of sex trafficking are exploited in more than one manner. Individuals are led to make explicit content without their will, and they are even beaten off if they neglect doing so.
In other cases, survivors are exploited solely to produce pornography. If a minor is involved in commercial sexual activity, it is classified as human trafficking — without question or exception. It means exploitation through child sexual abuse (sometimes referred to as child pornography) can always be classified as sex trafficking.
I hope these 11 reasons you should stop watching porn were eye-opening enough for you to be inspired to quit watching porn. Living a porn-free life is the ultimate goal of many, and when you stop watching porn, you will Become Successful Almost Automatically. And you can invest in a lot of good things and good vibes just by stopping watching porn.
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