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Fearless Alexander The Great Quotes – Incredible Acts of Courage
Hello Readers! Welcome to our Motivetalk page. Today we are gonna show you 27 Alexander The Great Quotes and a short biography of him.
On 20 July,356BC one of the greatest kings in history, Alexander III of Macedon was born in Greek. Due to the sudden demise of his father, he ascended the throne at the age of 20 and is known as Alexander The Great.
He was born to Philip II and Olympia queen in Pella. From an early age, he was brought up in a strict manner by his mother’s relative Leonidas. He was taught to read, write, play the lyre, ride, fight, and hunt.
He was a very big animal lover and named a city, Bucephalus after his horse’s name. The horse was his companion during all his victory and even accompanied him in his successful campaign to India. The horse died at the age of thirty due to old age.
His mother was very ambitious and brought up him in such a manner that he could successfully ascend the throne one day. He had a bitter and sweet relationship with his father, whom he admired for fighting mercilessly but at the same time not taking care of his injuries.
He even left Macedon with his mother and brother after his father’s marriage to his young wife Cleopatra. But they reconciled after six months, as his father knew the potential of his great son and did not want to lose his army-trained son.
He married three times and was succeeded by two sons, one legitimate and one out of marriage. He was born a fighter and spent most of his life fighting on the battlefield. He is considered one of the greatest military generals and spent his life undefeated on the battlefield.
Under his conquest, his empire spread from Europe to Egypt and he even stretched his empire to India. The battle between Alexander and Porous is world-renowned and he was overwhelmed by the Indian King’s dedication towards his motherland and returned him his land.
His military tactics were unmatched and it is believed that even Chandragupta Maurya was a soldier in his army and learned military tactics to later conquer and become king of India.
The world never looked sufficient to the great general and by the age of 30, he created the greatest ancient empire of his time. He spent all his conquest treasure in rebuilding his hometown Macedon, with great libraries, tombs, temples, and many more monuments.
The world can never have two Suns and Alexander was the Sun during his time who ruled over an empire which is hard to imagine and build by a single man. Let’s read some of the quotes of this greatest Military general to motivate ourselves.
27 Famous Quotes of Alexander The Great
“How happy had it been for me had I been slain in the battle. It had been far more noble to have died the victim of the enemy than fall a sacrifice to the rage of my friends.”
― Alexander The Great Quotes
“Whatever possession we gain by our sword cannot be sure or lasting, but the love gained by kindness and moderation is certain and durable.”
― Alexander The Great
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
― Alexander Quotes
“My treasure lies in my friends.”
― Top Alexander The Great Quotes
“A tomb now suffices him for whom the whole world was not sufficient.”
― Alexander The Great Quotes
“You shall, I question not, find a way to the top if you diligently seek for it; for nature hath placed nothing so high that it is out of the reach of industry and valor.”
― Alexander The Great
“Glory crowns the deeds of those who expose themselves to toils and dangers.”
― Alexander Quotes
“There are no more worlds to conquer!”
― Top Alexander The Great Quotes
“For my part, I think that to a man of spirit there is no other aim and end of his labours except the labours themselves.”
― Alexander The Great Quotes
“Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.”
― Alexander The Great
“But truly, if I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes.”
― Alexander Quotes
“Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal.”
― Top Alexander The Great Quotes
“Soldiers, I had lately like to have been taken from you by the attempt of a few desperate men, but by the grace and providence of the gods, I am still preserved.”
― Alexander The Great Quotes
“There are so many worlds, and I have not yet conquered even one.”
― Alexander The Great
“I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion.”
― Alexander Quotes
“If I could not be alexander I would be Diogenes.”
― Top Alexander The Great Quotes
“My father will anticipate everything. He will leave you and me no chance to do a great and brilliant deed.”
― Alexander The Great Quotes
“Oh! Most miserable wretch that I am! Why have I not learnt how to swim?”
― Alexander The Great
“How should a man be capable of grooming his own horse, or of furbishing his own spear and helmet, if he allows himself to become unaccustomed to tending even his own person, which is his most treasured belonging?”
― Alexander Quotes
“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.”
― Top Alexander The Great Quotes
“An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep.”
― Alexander The Great Quotes
The last 6 Top Alexander The Great Quotes are Below
“Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it, or death takes them.”
― Alexander The Great
“Remember, upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.”
― Alexander Quotes
“Every light is not the sun.”
― Top Alexander The Great Quotes
“When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back.”
― Alexander The Great Quotes
“Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied. ”
― Alexander The Great
“Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor earth two masters.”
― Top Alexander The Great Quotes
Last few words about Alexander The Great
The world lost this great leader at the young age of 32, for an unknown reason. The mystery around his death is still unsolved and Historians believed that he was poisoned by his close people and most probably his wife. The world may have lost this great leader but his conquest and his worlds never left this world.
May his world help you to conquer all the hurdles and you make you a true Sun of the Modern World.
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