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Top 10 Deadly Animals in the World: A Nightmare for Us
Do you know which animal is the most deadly in the world? If not, then this article is all about the deadliest animals in the world. There are many animals in the world which are very dangerous for humans. Various animals in the world are deadly due to their large size and aggressive nature such as the hippo and elephant. Some animals are very small in size but still, they can be very dangerous for humans because of the disease they carry.
The List of Deadly Animals in the World
There are many deadly animals in the world from big elephants to small mosquitoes. Both of them are very dangerous. Many people all over the world die of various diseases which are caused by animals. Here we will discuss the 10 deadliest animals in the world and the diseases caused by them. So, keep reading this article to learn more about these deadly animals.
10. Lions – Kill around 200 Humans per year
Lions are one of the most deadly animals in the world. It kills around 200 humans per year. Lions are known as the king of the jungle but sometimes they come out of the jungle in search of food. A single lion has the potential and ability to attack and kill multiple humans at once. They can kill a human with a single bite. Many of us still wonder why a lion is more dangerous than a tiger. This is because lions have a stronger bite force than tigers.
Lions are fearless African predators that have always been referred to as the king of the jungle. They are very aggressive and dangerous to humans while protecting the cubs, territory, or carcasses that they have hunted. Lions don’t interact with humans daily and also won’t kill humans whenever they see them. But there are some cases when lions will kill ns in the wild, especially when they are hungry.
9. Hippos – Kill 500 Humans per year
Hippos are also counted in the list of deadly animals in the world. Hippos kill around 500 humans per year. Some of us might be very surprised to see a hippo on this list as they are herbivores. But due to their impressive set of chompers and aggressive nature, they are added to the list of deadly animals in the world.
They have long sharp canines through which they fight and just one bite of hippo is enough to kill a creature or a human. Their bite comes with a force of 1,800 psi, which is around 3 times that of a lion. A hippo normally attacks a human whenever one approaches its habitat and they are known to attack and tip over boats in defence. So, hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in the world.
8. Elephants – Kill 600 Humans per year
Though elephants are herbivores, they are still dangerous to human beings. Elephants attack humans in various ways. Elephants kill humans by lashing out with the trunk, grasping and flinging, trampling, or gore with their tusks. Generally, they attack humans when they feel that their calves or any group member are in danger, so to protect them they may become defensive and aggressive. So, going close to them might be very dangerous for us.
Elephants are also responsible for various damages such as destroying crops, loss of life, injury, livestock, and other property damage. They kill approximately 600 humans per year. An African elephant can weigh up to eight tonnes and Asian elephants weigh nearly about five and a half tonnes. Sometimes they also use their trunk to pick up and throw humans and smash them. So, elephants are also counted in the list of deadly animals in the world.
7. Crocodiles – Kill 1,000 Humans per year
Crocodiles are another deadly animal in the world. As per the record, the crocodile kills around 1,000 humans per year. Their sharp teeth are very dangerous and enough to kill a person. The Nile crocodile has a bite force of about 5000 psi which is considered the strongest compared to any other animal. The saltwater crocodile has a paltry biting force of about 3,700 psi which is considered the second-most powerful animal bite.
They kill any living creature by grabbing them quickly in their jaws and biting down with greater force than any other animal. At first, the saltwater crocodile will chomp down on their prey and can perform a death roll until they are disoriented and incapable of resistance. They are very aggressive and suddenly attack a human when they enter their habitat.
6. Scorpions – Kill 3,300 Humans per year
As compared to the previous animals in the list, they are very small in size. Still, they are very dangerous to human beings. As per the report, scorpions kill around 3,300 humans per year. They are very aggressive in nature and sting with their tail and inject venom into the human’s body. They are one of the most dangerous and deadly animals in the world.
They are easily found across the dry landscapes and deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. The venom of a scorpion is enough to kill the young, the elderly, and those who have some medical issues including heart problems. But still, a healthy person with no medical issues can also be killed by a deathstalker’s sting.
5. Assassin Bugs (Chagas disease) – Kill 10,000 Humans per year
Assassin Bugs are also counted in the list of deadly animals in the world. As per the report, Assassin Bugs are responsible for around 10,000 human deaths per year. They are the primary cause of the deadly disease “Chagas”. They are one of the common reasons for death in Central and South America. The Chagas disease is very dangerous and is transmitted through an assassin bug bite or by consumption of cold food or drink that might be infected by the insect or its feces and which carries the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi.
According to the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO), this deadly disease attacks the heart, digestive system, and nervous system. In case a woman is pregnant, the disease will be transmitted from mother to baby through the placenta. So, be aware of this deadly disease and protect yourself from this life-threatening disease.
4. Dogs – Kill 59,000 Humans per year
We see dogs in our daily lives. They might look harmless to us but they are the primary cause of a deadly disease ‘Rabies’. We heard that Dogs are the best companions of human beings but sometimes they can be the worst enemy of a man. Dogs normally protect their owners and guard them against possible intruders by biting them with their sharp teeth. Rabies generally occurs when the rabies virus from the infected saliva enters the wound.
The rabies virus will travel through the nerves to the spinal cord and brain. A person infected with rabies can live up to several weeks or months after being exposed to rabies without symptoms. Once the person starts showing rabies symptoms, he or she might die within a few days. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), dogs are the main cause of human rabies deaths and around 59,000 humans die every year.
3. Snakes – Kill 138,000 Humans per year
Snakes are one of the most deadly animals in the world. Around 138,000 humans die per year through snake bites. Deadly snakes are generally found everywhere all over the world. Snakes can kill humans in various and brutal ways. The black mamba is one of the most dangerous snakes and can kill a human with just two drops of venom from a bite.
Python are also dangerous for human beings they attack by wrapping their long bodies around and constricting their prey by suffocating them and breaking their bones. They can also swallow a fully-grown adult whole. Snakes are venomous but the poison is only used for their protection and doesn’t satisfy their hunger. So, they capture and kill their prey to complete their hunger.
2. Humans – kill 400,000 Humans per year
Are you guys shocked after seeing humans on this list of deadly animals? Let me tell you that humans are the most dangerous enemy of other humans. Humans are the second-most dangerous animals in the world when it comes to human deaths. You might hear the news of murders in your daily lives. As per the report, “Globally, 0.7 percent of deaths were the result of homicide”.
Humans are the biggest enemy of other humans. Around 400,000 people die every year from humans. Humans are more dangerous than wild predators such as lions and tigers. They are not only dangerous but are naturally cruel as they destroy the elements of nature that sustain them. So, humans are also counted in the list of the most deadly animals in the world.
1. Mosquitoes – Kill 725,000 Humans per year
Mosquitoes are the smallest creatures in this list but are very dangerous for humans. They are the most deadly animals as compared to any other animals in this list. They spread many deadly diseases like malaria, West Nile, Yellow fever, Zika, and Dengue. As per the report, mosquitoes kill around 725,000 humans per year.
The female mosquitoes are more dangerous than the male mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites, the body reacts to the mosquito’s saliva after the mosquito finishes its blood meal. So, they are the most deadly animals in the world. To protect yourself from such diseases you should take some preventive measures and try to keep your surroundings neat and clean and also use mosquito nets and coils.
Conclusion of Top Deadly Animals
This is all about the most deadly animals in the world. Here you will learn about dangerous creatures starting from a big-sized elephant to a small-sized mosquito. Sometimes a small creature can harm you a lot. So, read this article fully and protect yourself from these deadly animals. I hope this article might help you to know more about the dangerous and deadly animals in the world.
Here is the list of the Most Deadly Animals in the World.
- Mosquitoes
- Humans
- Snakes
- Dogs
- Assassin Bugs
- Scorpions
- Crocodiles
- Elephants
- Hippos
- Lions
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